Sixth Form Colleges Partnerships
Sixth Form Colleges Partnerships
~ Who We Are ? ~
Fig Tree International have joined forces with the Sixth Form sector to ensure that we can continue to support sixth form colleges, with their commitment to increasing diverse leadership in the sector. Fig Tree International offers flexible and bespoke models of training and support which ensures high levels of personalisation. The programmes are led by Ann Palmer and other consultants who work across the education sector, providing a range of services. Further information can be gathered from this website,
~ Why are we working with the Sixth Form Sector ? ~
- We have worked in the area of race equality for a significant period of time and we deliver high quality training.
- It is recognised that colleges are at various points of their journey in relation to the development of the race and diversity agenda and it important that this work remains high on an organisation's agenda.
- We are successfully supporting organisations with their race equality strategies and have a number of successful CPD programmes and accreditations.
- We have an action-based approach and encourage the organisations that we work with to take a longer-term view about what is needed.
- Our client satisfaction rating is high.

We offer two programmes
- * Equalities training programme for governors
- Reach Further Leadership Programme
~ Why is work around diversity important? ~
We know that Sixth Form Colleges share our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. Sixth Form colleges are partnering with specialist Fig Tree International to support colleges to not only meet their equality objectives but also to drive equity, increase diverse representation in senior and executive leadership and to raise awareness of direct and indirect discrimination. The further education sector is a formative space for young people’s alignment of values and aspirations and our partnership work will help ensure that sixth form colleges are truly inclusive and representative. Our strategic support for governance reflects the importance of diversity and inclusion at the highest levels of accountability and our innovative Reach Further programme offers a highly personalised safe space for professional development and advancement.
~ Our training and programme for Sixth Form Colleges ~
~ Our training and programme for Sixth Form Colleges ~
Equalities training programme for governors
Equalities training programme for governors
About the equalities training programme for governors
This bespoke programme is specifically designed to support governors of the Sixth Form College phase. This introductory training focuses on 3 areas: These are legislative requirements, how to build an inclusive culture and environment, and initial action planning. We recognised that more can be done to address the lack of diversity at the highest leadership levels in the Sixth Form College sector.
Subsequent to this introductory programme, Boards are encouraged to seek on-going support for this important area of work.
Who is the programme for?
The equalities training is open to any governors from the Sixth Form sector. Principals of the associated Sixth Form are expected to attend the training also. The training is 3 sessions, with each session lasting for 2 hours i.e. one full days training.
Aims of the training
Governors will:
• explore the definition of ‘racism’ and how it presents itself
• understand what needs to be done to meet their responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010
• examine how to create an inclusive culture
• explore what they need to do to reflect racial diversity in the make-up of the board
• consider how to promote diverse talent management effectively
• start to consider what an effective race equality action plan may look like
~ Aims of the modules ~
~ Aims of the modules ~

Reach Further Leadership Programme for leaders
Reach Further Leadership Programme for leaders

About the leadership programme
This bespoke programme is specifically designed to support middle and senior leaders on their leadership journey. We have recognised that there can be barriers to career progression and there can be a lack of diversity at the highest leadership levels in the Sixth Form College sector. Consequently, Fig Tree International has agreed to deliver the Reach Further programme. Reach Further will deepen delegates’ understanding of key leadership topics and is personalised to ensure that they are supported to overcome barriers and take that next step in their careers.
Why should I do this programme instead of another?
Traditional professional development routes have failed to impact on improving diversity in the education leadership sector. Through a combination of nurturing, mentoring and specific challenge, participants grow in confidence and are more able to consider the career opportunities presented to them.
We have excellent evidence that programmes of this nature work.
Who is the programme for?
Reach Further is aimed at those currently on a middle leadership pathway who are seeking to move to senior posts including principal positions. The critical thinking and strategic skills promoted by Reach Further will be a useful springboard into other leadership programmes.
~ Purpose of the Reach Further programme ~
1. Provide an experience for participants focused on effective leadership
2. Enhance leadership strengths and extend strategies for overcoming barriers in leadership
3. Increase participant’s knowledge of current and future career and leadership development opportunities
4. Ensure that participants raise their influence as leaders in their colleges
5. Develop leadership thought and practical skills.
Aims of the Reach Further modules
Aims of the Reach Further modules
There are six modules and participants are expected to attend all sessions. We have placed additional importance on the CPD process by ensuring that the sessions are delivered during the day time. We have, however, used a carousel to ensure that different days of the week are used.
Please note that sessions 1 - 4 will be delivered remotely, via Zoom. Sessions 5 & 6 will be face to face (more information to follow).

Please get in touch for further information.