Promotion Ready
Most people generally know when they are ready to look for promotion.
It is tough, however, to know where to start. Isn't it?
Promotion-Readiness is a series of webinars which will help you on your way.
Most people generally know when they are ready to look for promotion.
It is tough, however, to know where to start. Isn't it?
Promotion-Readiness is a series of webinars which will help you on your way.
Who is this programme for?
For anybody looking for promotion over the next year.

It is tough, however, to know where to start. Isn't it? Planning is essential in terms of moving into a promoted post. Your preparation should start early so that you are filling in any professional development gaps you may have.
Come and join this unique and bespoke programme that focuses on getting you ready for promotion. The sessions are informative and presented by leaders who know what schools are looking for.

NPQ programmes are good, however, they do not cover the process of application, recruitment, interview and promotion in any extensive way. This programme does!
Learning from the very best, the CEO, Ann Palmer, has interviewed for hundreds of posts throughout her career, including the appointment of Headteachers.
This programme is tailored for the needs of the group and includes Q & A session where you can ask any additional questions that you may have.
This opportunity is not to be missed as the Promotion Readiness programme will not be repeated until the same time next year.
What is included in the Promotion-Readiness programme?
What is included in the Promotion-Readiness programme?

There are 5 Core Essential Webinars

Session ​ 1 - Dynamic processes of recruitment (what legally and practically guides this process?)
Session 2 - Am I prepared? - (Career development & leadership skills)
Session 3 - Application Writing & Personal Statements
Session 4 - Mock Interviews
Session 5 - Promotion Readiness